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Life on a Cliff Edge

Inspired by journals belonging to her great-great aunt Kit that were found in Sidestrand and that document the lives of her neighbours over 100 years ago, Bertie has embarked on a journey celebrating the lives and telling the stories of those who’ve lived and died here in Poppyland. Through song, storytelling, history and interviews, Bertie explores life past and present on a cliff edge in north Norfolk.

Bertie Anderson Haggart

Bertie Anderson-Haggart grew up in north Norfolk where she was set on her path to becoming a professional musician and composer. Having spent 20 years performing all over the world she has returned to living in Poppyland with her husband and children. She is a founding member of Bowjangles and The BeauBowBelles.

Life on a Cliff Edge

Missed a show, click below for links to all the previous shows.

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